送走了夏天, 渐渐地也送行了秋天;在秋天的下旬,也是雨季来临的时候。可是人地生疏的我又怎么会知道是雨季呢? 于是我就如常的上课去,当然连雨伞也没有带啦。上课的时候还好因为只是毛毛小雨, 但到了傍晚下课的时候, 雨儿就越下越大了。心想这一回我可要变成落汤鸡了,一路含雨的走着;突然有辆车从后停泊在我旁。我低头一瞧,原来车里的人是枫。
“點解妳唔撐傘? You wanna try to get sick, is it?”
“of course not~ I just ain’t used to use that!”
很熟悉的歌曲在耳邊傳來﹐那就是Bee Gees 的First of May
……When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall……
……We used to love while others used to play……
……. Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,
…….Someone else moved in from far away…..
…….Now we are tall and Christmas trees are small……
…….And you don’t ask the time of day……
…… But you and I, our love will never die…..
……But guess well cry come first of may….
…. The apple tree that grew for you and me……
……I watched the apples falling one by one……
……And I recall the moment of them all……..
…… the day I kissed your cheek and you were mine
…….When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall…..
…….do do do do do do do do do.....
…….Don’t ask me why, but time has passed us by…..
……Someone else moved in from far away………..
送走了夏天, 渐渐地也送行了秋天;在秋天的下旬,也是雨季来临的时候。可是人地生疏的我又怎么会知道是雨季呢? 于是我就如常的上课去,当然连雨伞也没有带啦。上课的时候还好因为只是毛毛小雨, 但到了傍晚下课的时候, 雨儿就越下越大了。心想这一回我可要变成落汤鸡了,一路含雨的走着;突然有辆车从后停泊在我旁。我低头一瞧,原来车里的人是枫。
“點解妳唔撐傘? You wanna try to get sick, is it?”
“of course not~ I just ain’t used to use that!”
很熟悉的歌曲在耳邊傳來﹐那就是Bee Gees 的First of May
……When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall……
……We used to love while others used to play……
……. Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,
…….Someone else moved in from far away…..
…….Now we are tall and Christmas trees are small……
…….And you don’t ask the time of day……
…… But you and I, our love will never die…..
……But guess well cry come first of may….
…. The apple tree that grew for you and me……
……I watched the apples falling one by one……
……And I recall the moment of them all……..
…… the day I kissed your cheek and you were mine
…….When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall…..
…….do do do do do do do do do.....
…….Don’t ask me why, but time has passed us by…..
……Someone else moved in from far away………..